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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Richard Simon,  Robert Connor, Duane Giannini. ABSENT:  Gerald Finnegan. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, three members of public, one member of press.



Consideration, discussion and possible action on recommending no parking areas and parking stalls on Church Hill Road Sandy Hook Streetscape Project. . Commissioner Connor moved  that no parking areas be established with appropriate signs and markings as determined by and in consultation with the State DOT. Eastbound lane Church Hill Road – 90 feet due west from the stop line and 30 feet due west of the westernmost prolongated lateral driveway lane between buildings 100 and 102 Church Hill Road. Westbound lane Church Hill Road – 80 feet due west from the prolongated established lateral curb line within the eastbound land. Second by Commissioner Simon. Commissioner Connor moved to amend the motion to change 90 feet due west to 70 feet and to change 80 feet due west to 60 feet. Second by Commissioner Simon. The main motion would reduce the parking spaces by two. Commissioner Connor’s amendment would reduce the parking by one space. Commissioner Connor feels that reducing the parking by one space is adequate for the traffic flow and safety. Commissioner Simon thought that the parking in back was established to remove the parking on the street. He said that whenever he has been in the area, there has always been adequate parking in the rear. Commissioner Giannini said he has received calls from people in the traffic saying that this is getting out of hand. Vote on amendment to the motion, Commissioners Connor and Giannini YES, Commissioner Simon and Chairman Mattegat NO. Motion failed. Commissioner Simon moved to table the matter until the next meeting. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon,  the minutes of the regular meeting of December 5, 2006 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (December, 2006). Overtime usage is 44% at 50% of the year. Budget balances were not available GL Accounts were not available except the Canine Account which indicated no activity. Fleet is statue quo.  Personnel The two senior probationary officers are in Phase III of training. Officer Dinghy is in Phase I. The two new hires have been at the Academy for three weeks. We are looking to hire another officer Training report is included. Two letters of appreciation were received.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (December, 2006)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report. The accident reports are now listed as with injuries and without injuries. Five Year Plan draft was distributed. Captain Rios asked that the Commission review the plan for action at next month’s meeting. Chief Kehoe commended Captain Rios for his efforts which resulted in a quality document. The Commission agrees.

OLD BUSINESS (continued).

Dauti application letter from Mr. William O’Neil, Chairman of Planning and Zoning. It was noted that the Fire Marshal had issues with the previous application. The Commission plans to reaffirm its original concerns. Mr. O’Neil requested that the Police Commission hire an expert to review its position if its feels there is a safety issue. Commissioner Simon moved to table the matter so that the Commission may discuss with the Town the hiring of an expert as suggested by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried. Chief Kehoe will discuss this with First Selectman Rosenthal in consultation with Town Attorney Grogins.


Asset Forfeiture funds (GL-187) for Police Canine Program (Baro). Commissioner Connor moved to authorize the expenditure of $3,000 from GL 187 for canine expenses for the next year. Second by Commissioner Simon and unanimously carried.

Site Development Plan, 71 Church Hill Road, 5-K Enterprises, Inc. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the site development plan for 71 Church Hill Road, 5-K Enterprises, Inc. as presented. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Policy NECC and Voice Recordings (Revised #2-00).
Policy TASER (Revised #3-12).
Policy Sidearms & Accessories Equipment (Revised #3-2).
Policy Weapons & Other Police Devices (Revised #3-5).
Policy Firearms Qualifications/Training (Revised $3-14).

Commission Simon moved to adopt Policy NECC and Voice Recordings (Revised #2-00), Policy TASER (Revised #3-12), Policy Sidearms & Accessories Equipment (Revised #3-2),
Policy Weapons & Other Police Devices (Revised #3-5), and Policy Firearms Qualifications/Training (Revised #3-14). Second by Commissioner and unanimously carried.

Commissioner Simon moved to add to the agenda the item of “Conditional offers of employment for the 45th officer.” Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.
Commissioner Simon moved to offer conditional offers of employment to the next ten positions on the list: Jonathan Pierce, Eric Koestner, Brian Casack, Joseph Massetti, Jeremy Tammone, Jason Meehan, John McDermott, Michael Smegielski, Michael Waymouth and David Porto. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation .  Commissioner Simon discussed “2006 Traffic Enforcement” (Attachment A). He noted that officers involved in traffic enforcement must stop these activities if a call comes in for an accident, burglar alarm or other matter that must be attended to immediately. He said that we need the people of Newtown to authorize more police cars and more police officers. Commissioner Simon has ridden with officers during several shifts and feels they are an outstanding group. Commissioner Simon will present this report to the Board of Selectmen at the Commission’s budget hearing.

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 8:20 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk